Hands-On Improvement KATA for Leaders & Practitioners. Learn the two fundamental behavior patterns at the core of Toyota KATA:
Improvement KATA workshop – Quality Lab Simulation is a fun and instructive way of introducing participants to a simple, yet well-structured methodology of continuous improvement, solving problems, improving process and achieving results.
Improvement Kata is an innovative management system that provides the means to achieve two equally important objectives:
The Improvement KATA workshop is based on Mike Rother’s book “Toyota Kata – Managing people for improvement, adaptiveness and superior results”.
This 1-Day workshop provides a unique mix of theory and hands-on practical activities to teach participants four steps of Improvement KATA:
The four steps of the Improvement Kata are a model of scientific thinking and acting that is similar to other models of the human creative process. What is different is that each step includes structured practice routines, which make the pattern actionable and teachable.
The Improvement Kata process methodology will encourage teams to generate improvement ideas, build rapport, and incorporate prototyping and experimentation to solve problems and challenges. Each round of Quality Lab Simulation will reveal a true nature of collaboration. It will illustrate how each member of the Team innovates and emphasizes the importance of diverse perspective.
The Improvement Kata is for the Learner and the Coaching Kata is for the Coach. To make the scientific Improvement Kata pattern a habit in an organization, managers coach their people in the Improvement Kata routines a little bit every day. The Coaching Kata is a protocol for how to do that. The practice routines of the Improvement Kata and the Coaching Kata are a regimen for developing practical scientific skill and mindset that any manager can use.
Upon completion, this workshop will:
Office and Shop floor managers, supervisors, continuous improvement transformation change leaders, TPS specialists, individuals responsible for training and Organizational Development from all types industries and businesses who wish to lead more efficiently and are interested in creating a sustainable culture of Continuous Improvement through the use of management methodology of Toyota KATA.
The work is a based on a Quality Lab Simulation. This is a Team Based activity, with eight participants per team. Each team will select their Manager (KATA Coach) and Team Leader (Learner). Each Team will go through at least five rounds of simulating activities of a Quality Lab performing Hardness and Thickness testing on metal samples. This workshop can be facilitated with up to 42 people in total.
Prior to a first round of simulations each Team will identify and clarify their vision, directions and Target Conditions. Upon completion of each round the Team will work on identifying process improvements necessary to achieve the next Target Condition. How do we need to operate? What pattern of operation do we want? What obstacles (problems) do we need to overcome in order to achieve our next Target Conditions? How does the process need to behave …. to achieve the desired results.
Participants, Coaches (Managers) and Learners (Team Leaders) will gain direct insight into the power of the 5-Question Coaching Dialogue and Rapid PDCA Cycles through repeated personal practice. At the heart of the training experience is a challenge that requires a high level of ingenuity and continuous improvement, on the spot, in real time.
Toyota KATA (TK) is one of the most powerful and exciting concepts of this decade. Its power gives every company the ability to put to work the “unseen Managerial Routines and Thinking that lie behind Toyota’s success with Continuous Improvement and Adaptation.”
This intense workshop is delivered by experienced Toyota KATA Leaders, including Toyota practitioners, who have “been there” and can provide the feeling and depth of understanding to begin implementing it.
The ability to compete and win in the Global marketplace is being determined by how effectively organizations acquire their right vision, and integrate their People, Processes and Technology in the most waste-free and customer-focused manner.
This workshop provides a comprehensive perspective for executives and senior leaders to successfully employ Toyota KATA to enhance a culture of sustained Continuous Improvement and competitive advantage. It provides insight into the coaching techniques that drive operations toward a Challenging Target Condition.
This one day provides an intense and time-efficient overview of the Toyota KATA method through thinking, direct practice, and active learning.
To learn more about how the Toyota Kata method can help improve your organization, send us an email!