Aug 6, 2014 | Posted by Ben Thompson
Hey Blog fans! Not a whole lot happened last week as the plant was on a scheduled shutdown so I thought it was appropriate to have a little blurb on eating the whale one bite at a time. The idea for this post came to me yesterday, after being away from the plant for a little over a week I found myself experiencing a flash of panic. It was a sort of, “Oh, I’m going back to work tomorrow, what’s my plan!”
It was a pointless sense of urgency, I was letting thoughts of all my kaizens invade my consciousness at once. For that split second of onslaught I forgot about a calming reality. One cannot eat a whale in one sitting, it takes time, one must eat the whale one bite at a time. Kaizen is a process that demands accurate coherent thought, not rash discombobulated decisions. Trust in the process and the data will dictate your course of action.
So, after I quickly grounded myself and glanced over my most recent notes of observation, I calmed down got a good night sleep to wake up this morning and step in to my boots to pick up right where I left off. “Hello work week I’ve come to give you a good kaizening, I hope your ready, because I am!” I don’t know if it has been more appropriate to say,