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Cardboard City, Materials Presentation & Kitting and Improving Plant & Cell Layouts

Mar 11, 2022 | Posted by Matt Elson

I had a great discussion and opportunity for information sharing not long ago…and they say that a picture is worth a thousand words.

So, here’s some action from front-line #kaizen activities, focused on:
1) “Cardboard City” (standardized work, machine design and layout improvement method);
2) Improvements to delivering materials into production environments;
3) Improvements to planning plant, line and/or cell layouts (considering work flow, “big islands” and material presentation)

My final point in the information sharing: always challenge. There is limitless opportunity to make it better for people…you just need the will to do it.

Cardboard City Simulation

Material Presentation & Kitting

Plant & Cell Layout Improvements

(aka “Paper Doll Exercise”)

#continuousimprovement #TnTkaizen #TPS #toyotaproductionsystem #processimprovement #kaizen #peopledevelopment #problemsolving #materialsmanagement #layout #simulation #improvement #leadership

This was originally posted on LinkedIn, here.

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