Aug 28, 2013 | Posted by Matt Elson
Within TPS, leaders are the teachers and developers of others. How is this done? In our last post , we discussed some of the basic philosophy/thinking of TPS…none of which are overly complicated. In fact, they seem almost too simple! What isn’t so simple is following the signs that the system and processes are telling you every day. It requires daily diligence and persistence.
Another important aspect of TPS is how management uses it. We use it as a tool to focus our attention on problems (abnormalities) and opportunities (kaizens to lead us to the true north condition).
We also use this structure to guide the organization forward by creating a supportive culture to learn from mistakes through genchi genbutsu, problem solving and sharing knowledge systematically (A3 Thinking).
Check out part two in our series, TPS: The Leaders View. Don’t forget to check back here for the next in the series!