Learn Four Strategies To Start Improving Any Area Of Your Business
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Technical Training Workshops
1. Improvement or Kaizen Workshop
Step-by-step training on kaizen method to make improvements in a production or fabrication environment
Takt time planning; capacity & demand planning
Standardized Work and job analysis
Where to start improvements?
In depth kaizen methodology and approach
Training takes place in simulated production environment (learning lab)
Who Should Attend: Shop floor leaders, supervisors, engineers, improvement specialists, managers, senior leaders
Workshop Length: 3 days (can be broken down into smaller time segments)
2. Material & Information Flow Workshop
How to design & map your organization, including process layout
Create a material movement & handling system for parts, from receiving to the shipping door
Focus in on transitioning from mass-production material handling to a system of continuous flow & small-batch processing
Training takes place in simulated production environment (learning lab)
Who Should Attend: Shop floor leaders, supervisors, engineers, improvement specialists, managers
Workshop Length: 1 day (can be broken down into smaller time segments)
3. Job Instruction Workshop
A structured, proven way to train effectively; “train-the-trainer”
Training on incremental training method, including designing Job Elements, training matrix and training log
Training takes place in a simulated production environment (learning lab)
Who Should Attend: Shop floor leaders, supervisors, improvement specialists, managers
Workshop Length: 2 days (can be broken into smaller time segments)
4. Practical Problem Solving / Toyota Business Practises
Introduction to practical problem solving, the Toyota Way; aka Toyota Business Practises (TBP)
TBP 8 Steps
Theoretical / classroom training with hands on component
Shop floor practical application (guided problem soling with TnT coach)
Remote "homework" practise with progress evaluation with TnT coach
Who Should Attend: Shop floor leaders, supervisors, engineers, improvement specialists, managers, senior leaders
Workshop Length: 3 days (can be broken down into smaller time segments) + 4 hours remote "homework" review
5. Shop Floor Management / Leadership Workshop
How to lead effectively, conflict resolution, 5 Needs of the Supervisor
Shop floor problem solving tools & techniques
Leading towards true north
Thinking scientifically; improvement & coaching kata
Who Should Attend: Shop floor leaders, supervisors, improvement specialists, managers, senior leaders
Workshop Length: 2 days (can be broken into smaller time segments)
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